#1 Accelerator To Heart Disease

People used to think of cardiovascular disease as a simple deposition of cholesterol in the arteries which would lead to the development of plaque.
But in more recent years, it has become clear that the reason that cholesterol tends to accumulate – or those various lipids tend to accumulate in the walls of the arteries, is not just an overabundance of cholesterol...
It’s an actual inflammation in the vessels.
• This inflammation causes damage which is an attempt by the body to repair it.
• The reparation process creates this arteriosclerotic plaque.

So, the very thing the body is doing to try to deal with inflammation will eventually become a deadly disease.
One problem with conventional medicine is that it looks at medical problems and really deals with the superficial aspects involved.
For example, when a doctor sees that the cholesterol is rising, they give you a drug to drop the cholesterol level.
However, cholesterol is a bit like a fireman that’s caught at the scene of a fire.
He’s not the cause of the fire. In fact, he’s trying to put the fire out.
So the analogy would be that you see some firemen at the scene of the fire and decide that they must be involved so you shoot them. It makes no sense really.

Looking for the Underlying Reason
The same applies to the way conventional medicine is approaching just about all of the things that they find.
For example:
• If the blood sugar is high, it treats the blood sugar.
• If the cholesterol is high, it lowers the cholesterol.

It’s not looking for the underlying reason for these problems.
They made some interesting discoveries really by accident about the statin drugs they were using to lower cholesterol. They thought these were treating the cholesterol – and that this is why they may have been helping some people.
However, it was found that they’re actually treating inflammation.
These are actually very powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. The problem of course, is that they have lots of side effects so they are problematic in other ways.

Changing the Lifestyle
The real issue is when a person is following a pro‐inflammatory lifestyle.
For example, they may be eating a diet with lots of sugar and/or lots of refined carbohydrates.
There’s a series of events that take place in the body’s attempt to deal with this pro‐inflammatory lifestyle that creates high cholesterol, usually high LDL, bad cholesterol, and lower good cholesterol.
This creates an increase in blood pressure.

So of course, the doctors respond by trying to lower the blood pressure, instead of dealing with the lifestyle issue that created the elevated blood pressure in the first place.
Then, eventually, the pancreas gives out and the blood sugar starts to rise.
So the doctors try to lower the blood sugar with blood‐sugar‐lowering medications.
Even diabetes is really a disease of inflammation and oxidative stress.
The treatments for type 2 diabetes, for heart disease, and for high blood pressure all come back to improving the lifestyle.

It’s about reducing the inflammatory stress that’s on the body - the oxidative stress.
That means a good diet, the appropriate amount of exercise, and the right supplementation.

Since Marine-D3’s ingredients have been proven to fight inflammation, you are working
directly at the root cause of the problem.

It’s really better to go upstream so to speak, to actually go to the very source of the problem, than to just treat the manifestations of the problem.